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The Body + WORLD PEACE w/ Backslider + Morrison Shelter

The Body and WORLD PEACE headline The Broadway with support from Backslider and Morrison Shelter

7:00PM Doors // 8:00PM Show


$15 adv // $18 dos

World Peace

Brutally chaotic and yet rigorously disciplined, WORLD PEACE's unique brand of low end violence refuses to grant the listener a moment's breath. Making their second full pass around the United States in as many years to promote their newest record "IT IS WRITTEN", this Bay Area based 4 piece is not to be missed.

The Body

The Body is a prolific musical force whose creativity is matched only by the astonishing weight of their sound. Duo Lee Buford and Chip King have established their own musical language that reimagines how rhythm, dynamics, and sonics can shape or dismantle song structure. Over the course of two decades, the duo has consistently challenged assumptions and defied categorization, redefining what it means to be a heavy band. On their new album, The Body are again pushing limits and testing the boundaries of the studio to explore the extremes and microtonality of distortion to find its maximal impact. I’ve Seen All I Need To See is The Body at their most incisively bleak, a towering monolith of noise.

April 20

UVTV w/ True Body + LAL

April 25

Echo w/ Glimmer + Nara's Room