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Wax Jaw w/ Long, Quemarlo Todo Por Error + Moderate Rock

Wax Jaw headline The Broadway with support from Long, Quemarlo Todo Por Error and Moderate Rock!

7:00PM Doors // 8:00PM Show


$12 adv // $15 dos

Wax Jaw

Philadelphia's dance punk darlings, Wax Jaw, have earned their stripes as one of the fiercest new bands since joining the music scene in early 2023. Their high-energy live shows are a glorious sight to behold where it’s not uncommon for their guitarists to rush head-first into the pit. Since selling out shows along the mid-Atlantic, Wax Jaw have sunk their teeth into the bleeding hearts of audiophiles with their unique blend of Post-Punk, New Wave, & Surf Rock sounds present on their debut EP "Between the Teeth;" available now via Abandon Everything Records.


Long is a darling mouthy exorcism. A noisy temper tantrum of sweet melody and garbage flavored candy. Frontman Kyle Cramer founded the band in early 2022, recruiting guitarist Blake Maxwell, bassist Seth Queeney, and drummer Zack Pockrose.

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